About the Book
At first glance, it's frightening, but that churning tornado of destruction also contains a picture of God's grace visible for all to see in the rainbow. When the signs promise destruction and sadness, God still calls us to His loving arms and safety.
A physical or spiritual storm is always approaching, The old naval adage "When you need to know, it's too late to learn" was born in the days of tall-masted sailing vessels. It is saying to have the best chance of surviving the storm, we must "Be Prepared."
This was written so that when you face those spiritual storms and need answers, you will have them.

The Boy Scout motto is “Be Prepared.” But for what are we to be prepared? The answer is “Anything.” A cavalry officer, Lieutenant General Robert Baden-Powell, is best known as the founder of the Boy Scouts. He first became famous as the defender of the South African town of Mafeking during the Second Boer War. Overwhelmingly outnumbered by a Boer army, the city was surrounded and besieged for 217 days until a relief column arrived. The ability to survive the siege was attributed to the cunning military deceptions and the state of preparedness instituted at Powell's direction.
Powell’s training manual, “Aids to Scouting,” described many games and contests that he had used to train cavalry troops in scouting, tracking, reconnaissance, mapping, signaling, knotting, first aid, and all the skills that arise from camping, and similar outdoor survival activities became popular reading among the boys of Great Britain. In 1908 he rewrote his Calvary training manual to be the manual for Boy Scouts.
The Bible is our training manual. Dictated by God, the Holy Spirit, its message has been supernaturally protected throughout the ages to convey to us the mind of Christ. Everything we need to know is found between its covers. So, “Study it, to show yourselves approved unto God, a workman who need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15. Let “To Equip The Saints” help you grow in your Christian walk.
When I was a marine, the Drill Instructors’ motto was, "Let no marine’s ghost say If my Drill Instructor had only done his job.”
With some modification, it’s not a bad family motto. “Let no child, friend, family member’s ghost scream from hell, “if you had only done your job.” In the USA, we are beginning to see the results of Christians asleep on the job. If Christians don’t wake up, stand up, and stand tall to be a beacon in the midst of the storm that rages all around, we will be ineffective and irrelevant. If you don’t know enough to tell others about how much Jesus loves them, this is your chance to learn.
If you feel unequipped to defend the faith, let “To Equip the Saints” begin the learning process. Don’t be a secret agent anymore.